+61 07 3271 2036 info@orekinetics.com.au

Research and Development

Ore Kinetics

Research and Development

OreKinetics personnel have had extensive plant involvement over more than 15 years since we invented the CoronaStat and UltraStat to the point where every successful plant worldwide has included our technology either from start up or as an upgrade to improve plant recoveries and grade. We have carried out extensive research and experimentation both in the lab and in field trials in order to optimise the performance and reliability of our separation technology. This effort has resulted in huge advances to the science and art and greatly benefited the titanium minerals processing industry across the globe. Today, OreKinetics’ Research and Development is a key driver of its business with ongoing technology improvement in the areas of dry separation and the development of gravity separation. Further improvements into flow sheet and process control concepts with a focus on improved plant control have also been realised.